BBC In Our Time

Monday, 8 October, 2012

OK, think I’m a little slow to the party on this one (and not a great radio listener) but the BBC’s “In Our Time” presented by Melvyn Bragg is a great “ideas” discussion programme (Wikipedia entry). Just look through the archive which features all episodes from the first in 1999 as well as an RSS feed for all episodes since 2011. Donald Clark notes the power radio for dissemination; thiss is ideally suited to learning and, in combination, with internet playback/recording means you can save and review. Perhaps I’m just not particularly a radio fanboy, but I do quite like listening to podcasts so it may be more a case of marketing than anything else. Not easy in a crowded marketplace.

Anyway, well worth a look at the archive and Ill be pointing my students to the broadcast on Radiation.