BNP Membership Mapping

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The news over the last few days has been awash with items on the leaking of details of BNP members in the UK. And of course it didn’t take long for a Google mashup to be put together, although, even with the caveats that this mapped post-codes, not individual addresses it was largely misunderstood (Charles Arthur posted about this yesterday) and subsequently replaced with a “hot spot” map which is all very pretty by, well, largely meaningless. There was a nicely considered piece over at thinkwhere saying, in as many words, that on its own, the map doesn’t say too much about BNP membership as we are more interested in understanding the societal implications. This means correlating this list with measures of deprivation, population density, voting results etc etc. This can begin to identify clusters of membership and possibly why they are there (and that’s before you get in to issues of membership by occupation).