Blosxom: the zen of blogging!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Those interest in the IT side of blogging will have noticed I use Blosxom for my blog. This is a remarkably lightweight (in size) Perl script that dynamically builds all the pages and makes the RSS feeds available. It is template driven with all content simply text files held within a folder structure. However it is an extremely capable system, easily portable across servers and extensible through plugins. The plugins I currently use include Blosedit, breadcrumbs, atomfeed, calendar, feedback, find, flatarchives, foreshortened, menu, moreentries, seemore, truncatez and writeback. The beauty of these is that you can get exactly the look and feel you want. Sadly development of Blosxom has ceased, but there is plenty of information over at the Unofficial Blosxom User Group and the project itself has now been moved as an open source project to Sourceforge.