Android Mindmapping

Monday, June 2, 2014

I’m a big fan of mind mapping for blatting out ideas (using on a piece of paper!) and then structuring them in to an editable document. Freemind is my favoured desktop application and I then found (and bought) the rather excellent Thinking Space for Android. That was subsequently bought by Mindjet to complement their commercial MindManager product. They have released several incremental updates but the core product remains largely the same, albeit with interaction with their online cloud storage which requires you to subscribe. MindJet supports the same file format as Freemind and, rather helpfully, once you’ve logged in for the first time you can change the storage location to local files (Settings->Other->Device) and then logout and continue using Mindjet (at least with the older v3.7 I am using). It works remarkably well on a small screen and allows you to carry, view and edit your mindmaps. Worth the download.