OS Blog Links

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A couple of nice blog posts from the OS… the first looks at the Top 10 mapping moments in OS history. A nice little primer which highlights some of the products, some of their data and some of their history. You might find something useful!

The second, Recreating historic maps: interview with Christopher Wesson is an interview with Chris Weeson, one of their cartographers, on the recreation of one of the OS’s old map styles but using new data. In his words: “I decided to take the earliest OS cartographic representations I could find for that scale [1”] for each feature used on the map, so it is a hybrid of maps from the 19th century as opposed to a direct copy of the 1801 Kent map style.” The interview walks through the overarching method (and software) used to produce it. Really good to see how the design and data sides intermingle heavily in its production. Good read.

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