NEXTMap for NERC Science

Thursday, September 22, 2005

An excellent meeting at the British Geological Survey exploring the use of Intermap’s NEXTMap DEM product of the UK. A very interesting selection of topics on data quality and usage from a whole variety of environmental/earth science applications. Any NERC grant holders (including ARSF) should note that NEXTMap is freely available for use within funded projects.

I was presenting a talk similar to one given earlier in the summer at a conference in Aberystwyth (Glacial Sedimentary Processes and Productson)on DEM data quality (in comparison to detailed field mapping). This presentation was more focused on NEXTMap, illustrating the problems of scale dependence in the use of DEMs and how data products must match the specifications of a project.

Representatives from Intermap were present (including the UK’s new director, Mark Stanley) and provided context sensitive comments to specific queries, whilst taking a (large!) ream of comments back to HQ.

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